++ More and more research is being done on Vitamin D, making it appear more and more important, and more is known about all the systems in the body that can be affected. At first, it was studied because of concerns about bone health - rickets, osteoporosis, etc. Now, we see that is also can help you fight some kinds of infections. It is being studied for it's impact on cancer, diabetes, infections, blood pressure - many areas of research.
Also, this research revealed that, in the body, Vitamin D functions like a hormone, leading to more liberal interpretations on how much is safe to take in a day, and what blood levels are desirable. This led me to wonder more and more about how much ultraviolet light exposure on your skin you need to make your own. I recently learned that you don't make
any in the winter if you are farther from the equator than 35 degrees latitude. Some places in the USA that are at about 35 degrees are listed below. During the time of year that you do synthesize Vit. D, you don't make much in the times of day when your shadow is taller than you are.
WOW Having grown up at 41 degrees, I wish I knew about this sooner. I hope it's not too late for you. And, enjoy spring, wherever you are!
Ft. Smith, AR
Flagstaff, AZ
Bakersfield, CA
Charlotte, NC
Albuquerque, NM
Oklahoma City, OK
Memphis, TN
Amarillo, TX